CD's official
1982 Madonna - Cat.Nr. 923867-2 - Germany (7599 23867-2 2893 683 01 on back of CD - Inserts Printed In West Germany)
1983 The first album - Cat.Nr. 7599-23867-2 - Germany (923867-2.2 RSA on back of CD)
1983 The first album - Cat.Nr. 23867-2 - Australia (D.A.T.A. IFPIL311 238672 on CD)
1984 Like a virgin - Cat.Nr. 925 181-2 Germany (925181-2.2 RSA on back of CD (+ Made in Germany by Record Service GmbH Asldorf on CD with English text along bottom))
1984 Like a virgin - Cat.Nr. 7599-25181-2 - Germany (759925181-2.3 WME on back of CD)
1984 Like a virgin (1999 reissue Original Masters) - Cat.Nr. 25157-2 - Australia (1 25157-2 SRC13 on back of CD)
1986 True blue - Cat.Nr. 25442-2 - Germany (925442-2.3 RSA on back of CD)
1987 A very special christmast - Cat.Nr 393 911-2 - Germany (Contains Santa Baby by Madonna)
1987 Vision Quest official soundtrack - Cat.Nr 9 24063-2 - USA ((2-24063SP) BO5A1429D on back of CD)
1987 Whos that girl soundtrack - Cat.Nr. 7599-25611-2 - Germany (759925611-2 WMME on back of CD)
1987 Whos that girl soundtrack - Cat.Nr. 7599-25611-2 - Germany (925 611-2 SRC-01 on back of CD)
1987 Whos that girl soundtrack - Cat.Nr. 9 25611-2 - USA (1 25611-2 SRC-02 on back of CD)
1987 You can dance - Cat.Nr. 7599-25535-2 - Germany (759925535-2 WME on back of CD)
1987 You can dance - Cat.Nr. 925 535-2 - Germany (First issue - 925535-2 @ 1 on back of CD)
1987 You can dance - Cat.Nr. 9 25535-2 - USA (1 25535-2 SRC=10 on back of CD)
1989 Like a prayer - Cat.Nr. 7599-25844-2 - Germany (759925844-2.3 WME on back of CD)
1989 Like a prayer - Cat. Nr. 9 25844-2 - USA (1 25844-2 RE-1 SRC+01 on back of CD - Scented with Patchouli and fact insert)
1989 Like a prayer (2008 re-issue) - Cat. Nr. 4607173155245 - Russia (Reissue with Obi)
1990 Im breathless - Cat.Nr. 7599-26209-2 - Germany (759926209-2 RSA on back of CD)
1990 Im breathless - Cat.Nr. 9 26209-2 - USA (1 26209-2 SRC+01 on back of CD)
1990 Im breathless - Cat.Nr. WPCP 3460 - Japan (OBI missing - includes Fold out Lyric Sheet & Poster Cover)
1990 The immaculate collection - Cat.Nr. 9 26440-2 - USA (1 26440-2 SRC##13 on back of CD)
1990 The immaculate collection - Cat.Nr. 9 26440-2 - USA (1 26440-2 SRC=01 on back of CD)
1990 The immaculate collection - Cat.Nr. 7599-26440-2 - Germany (759926440-2.4 0699 on back of CD)
1991 The holiday collection - Cat.Nr. 9362-40099-2 - Germany (936240099-2 WME on back of CD)
1992 Erotica (Clean version) - cat.Nr. 9362-45154-2 - Germany (936245154-2 WME on back of CD)
1992 Erotica (Dirty version - Parental advisory logo) - Cat.Nr. 9362-45031-2 - Germany - 936245031-2.5 V01 on back of CD)
1992 Erotica (Dirty version) - Cat.Nr. 9362-45031-2 - Germany - 936245031-2.4 WME on back of CD)
1992 Erotica - Cat.Nr. 9362-45031-2 - Czech Republic - CD made in Czechoslovakia (Popron 50 189-2 on back insert)
1992 Erotica (Clean version) - Cat.Nr. 9 45154-2 - USA (1 45154-2 SRC=02 on back of CD)
1992 Erotica - Cat.Nr. WPCP 5000 - Japan (First issue (dark blue obi))
1992 A league of their own soundtrack - Cat.Nr. 472056 2 - Austria (01-472056-10 on back of CD)
1993 Body of Evidence (music from the original motion picture soundtrack) - Cat.Nr. 7432112720-2 - Switzerland
1994 Bedtime stories - Cat.Nr. 9362-45767-2 - Germany (936245767-2 WME on back of CD)
1994 Bedtime stories - Cat.Nr. WPCR 111 - Japan (First issue (blue obi))
1994 Bedtime stories - Cat.Nr. 9 45767-2 - USA (Allied Record Company A975 1 45767-2 71 on back of CD)
1995 Something to remember - Cat.Nr.  9362-461002 - Germany (flower-back, 936246100-2.3 WME on back of CD + sticker)
1995 Something to remember - Cat.Nr. 9362-46100-2 - Germany (photoback, 936246100-2.2 WME on back of CD)
1995 Something to remember - Cat.Nr. WPCR 555 - Japan (First issue (black obi))
1995 Something to remember - Cat.Nr.  9 46100-2 - USA (Matrix Y10318 1 46100-2 RE-1 01 - Reissue with back cover Versace dress picture - Yellow Floral CD label)
1996 Evita - Cat.Nr. 9362-46450-2 - Germany (936246450-2 WME on back of CD)
1996 Evita - Cat.Nr. 9362-46450-2 - Germany (Made in Germany with Foil sticker with letter D designates for Germany)
1996 Evita - Cat.Nr. 9362 46432-2 - UK (UK on foil sticker + 936246432-2 WME on back of CD)
1996 Evita - Cat.Nr. 9362-46450-2 - France (Made in Germany with letter F on foil sticker denotes for sale in France)
1996 Evita - Cat.Nr. 9362-46450-2 - France (Made in Germany with Foil sticker with letters BL designates for Belgium)
1996 Evita - Cat.Nr. WPCR 999 - Japan
1996 Evita double CD - Cat.Nr. 9 46346-2 - USA (1 46346-2.1 01 + 1 46346-2.2 02 on discs)
1996 Evita double CD - Cat.Nr. 9362-46346-2 - Germany (936246346-21 WME & 936246346-22 WME on back of CDs)
1996 Evita double CD - Cat.Nr. WPCR-10012 - Japan
1998 Ray of light - Cat.Nr. 9362-46847-2 - Germany (936246847-2 0198 on back of CD)
1998 Ray of light - Cat.Nr. 9362-46847-2 - Belgium (Made in Germany with letters BL on foil sticker denotes for sale in Belgium)
1998 Ray of light - Cat.Nr. 9362-46847-2 - France (Made in Germany with letter F on foil sticker denotes for sale in France)
1998 Ray of light - Cat.Nr. 9 46847-2 - USA (W2306 1 46847-2 01 on back of CD)
1998 Ray of light Japan - Cat.Nr. WPCR 2000 - Japan (First issue (blue obi))
1999 Ricky Martin (Track 5 - Be Careful (Cuidado Con Mi Corazón) Performed by Ricky Martin and Madonna) - Cat.Nr. 494406-2 - Germany
1999 The spy who shagged me original soundtrack - Cat. Nr. 9362 47348-2 - Germany (936247348-2.2 05-99 on back of CD)
2000 Music - Cat.Nr. 9 47598-2 - USA (Y13476 1 47598-2 01 on back of CD)
2000 Music - Cat.Nr. W2 47598 - Canada (L387 CDW-47598 #00831Y24 on back of CD)
2000 Music - Cat.Nr. 9362-47865-2 - Germany (936247865-2 0700 on back of CD)
2000 Music - Cat.Nr. 9362-47865-2 - UK (Made in Germany for sale in UK - Silver hologram with UK and 010678906)
2000 Music - Cat.Nr. 9362-47865-2 - Belgium (Made in Germany with BL foil sticker on cover for sale in Belgium)
2000 Music - Cat.Nr. 9362478662 - Australia (Comes with sticker)
2000 Music - Cat.Nr. WPCR-10900 - Japan (First issue (blue obi))
2000 Music Special limited edition beige - Cat.Nr. 9362 47921-2 - Germany (9362 47865-2 0700 on back of CD)
2000 Music Special limited edition grey - Cat.Nr. 9362 47921-2 - Germany (9362 47865-2 0700 on back of CD)
2000 Music Special limited edition pink - Cat.Nr. 9362 47921-2 - Germany (9362 47865-2 0700 on back of CD)
2000 Music Tour edition - Cat.Nr. 9362-48135-2 - Germany (Disc 1 936248135-21 0501 on back of CD - Disc 2 936248135-22 0501 on back of CD)
2000 The next best thing soundtrack - Cat.Nr. 9 47595-2 - USA
2000 The next best thing soundtrack - Cat.Nr. 9362-47672-2 - Germany (936247672-2.4 0200 on back of CD)
2000 The next best thing soundtrack - Cat.Nr. 9362475952 - Australia (D.A.T.A. IFPIL 9362475952 on back of CD)
2000 Madonna Best of music boxset (including The immaculate collection & Music CD's) - Cat. Nr. 23134706 - Germany
2001 Madonna Best of music boxset (including The immaculate collection & GHV2 CD's) - Barcode 4019109100128 - Germany
2001 GHV2 - Cat.Nr. 9 48000-2 - USA
2001 GHV2 - Cat.Nr. 9362-48000-2 - Germany (includes sheet complete the definitive collection)
2001 GHV2 Special limited edition - Cat.Nr. 9 48257-2 - USA (9482572COPA 10523 IFPI 3705 on back of CD)
2001 GVH2 - Cat.Nr. WPCR 11130 - Japan (First issue (green obi))
2001 Like a virgin digitally remasterd - Cat.Nr. 9362-47901-2 - Germany (936247901-2 0301 on back of CD)
2001 Madonna digitally remasterd - Cat.Nr. 9362-47903-2 - Germany (936247903-2 0301 on back of CD)
2001 True blue digitally remasterd - Cat.Nr. 9362-47902-2 - Germany (936247902-2 0301 on back of CD)
2001 Ricky Martin - The best of (Track 14 - Be Careful (Cuidado Con Mi Corazón) Performed by Ricky Martin and Madonna) - Cat.Nr. 505019 2 - Germany
2002 Die another day official soundtrack - Cat.Nr . 9362-48348-2 - France (Germany pressing with French sticker denotes for France market)
2002 Swept away original soundtrack - Cat.Nr. VSD-6415 - Germany
2003 American life & Remixed and revisited box - Cat.Nr. 9362 486732 - France (Only released in France, 1 edition)
2003 American life - Cat.Nr. 9362-48439-2 - Germany (9362-48439-2 on back of CD + parental advisory on cover)
2003 American life - Cat.Nr. 48439-2 - USA (1 48439 ECD01 + Parental Advisory on cover)
2003 American life (Clean version)- Cat.Nr. 48476-2 - USA (1-48476 ECD01 on back of CD)
2003 American life - Cat.Nr. WPCR-11540 - Japan (with stickers)
2003 American life limited special edition - Cat.Nr. 48440-2 - USA
2003 Remixed & Revisited - Cat.Nr. 9362-48624-2 - Germany (936248624-2 1103 V01 on back of CD)
2003 Remixed & Revisited - Cat.Nr. 48624-2 - USA (1 48624-2 on back of CD)
2003 Remixed & Revisited - Cat.Nr.WPCR - 11769 - Japan
2005 Confessions on a dance floor - Cat.Nr. 9362-49460-2 - Germany (936249460-2 V01 on back of CD)
2005 Confessions on a dance floor - Cat.Nr. 49460-2 - USA (M2S2 49460-2 02 on back of CD)
2005 Confessions on a dance floor - Cat.Nr. 9362494602- Australia (9362494602 on the back of CD + sticker)
2005 Confessions on a dance floor - Cat.Nr. WPCR 12200 - Japan (First issue (pink obi))
2005 Confessions on a dance floor Special limited edition - Cat.Nr. 9362-49464-2 - USA (Only USA release)
2008 Hard Candy - Cat.Nr. 9362-49884-9- Germany (936249884-9.2 V01 on back of CD
2008 Hard Candy - Cat.Nr. 42137-2 - USA (1 421372-2 TEXT 01 + Comes with sticker)
2008 Hard Candy - Cat.Nr. WPCR 12880 - Japan (First issue (black obi))
2008 Hard Candy Special limited edition box - Cat.Nr. 440444-2 - USA (Only USA release)
2009 Celebration (1CD) - Cat. Nr. 289404-2 - USA (1 289404-2 TEXT 01 Z81880 M1S2 on back of CD)
2009 Celebration (1CD) - Cat.Nr. 9362-49927-4 - Germany (936249927-4 V01 GHW on back of CD)
2009 Celebration (2CD) - Cat.Nr. 9362-49729-6 - Germany (936249729-61 V01 HLX and 936249729-62)
2011 Songs for Japan (Incl. Miles away) - Cat.Nr. 88697905042 - Europe
2012 Boxset Madonna original album series - Cat. Nr. 8122797405 - Germany
2012 Boxset The complete studio albums - Cat. Nr. 8122797404 - Germany
2012 Hitzone 61 (including Give me all your luvin') - Cat.Nr. 533 798-3 - Holland (Madonna featured on cover and inside booklet)
2012 MDNA 1CD - Cat. Nr. B0016658-02 - USA (Parental Advisory editon + comes with big sticker)
2012 MDNA 1CD - Cat. Nr. B0016725-02 - USA (Clean version without Gang Bang + comes with smaller sticker)
2012 MDNA 1CD - Cat.Nr. 6025 2799 8169 - Turkey (Special print on front cover Special Edition for Turkey around the picture)
2012 MDNA 1CD - Cat.Nr. 060252796 8155 - Germany (06025 279 681-5 + 52908141 on back of CD (sealed))
2012 MDNA 2CD Digipack - Cat.Nr. 46071479 10016 - Ukraine
2012 MDNA Limited Edition 2CD - Cat.Nr. 060252799 7360 - Germany (disc 1 06025 279 973-5, disc 2 06025 279 775-2)
2012 MDNA Limited Edition 2CD - Cat.Nr. B0016659-02 - USA (with parental advisory label)
2012 MDNA Limited Edition 3CD - Cat.Nr. 279 973-6 - Taiwan (+CD single - Give Me All Your Luvin - 1 track)
2012 W.E. Music from the motion picture - Cat.Nr. 602527947310 - Germany (06025 279 473-1 01 on back of CD)
2013 MDNA Tour 2CD - Cat.Nr. 602537507054 - Europe (Disc1 06025 374 892-5 02  53329818 on back - Disc2 06025 375 148-6 01  53329824 on back)
2014 Confessions On A Dance Floor & Like A Virgin boxset (Collection 2CD originals limited edition) - Cat. Nr. 81227965273 - France
2015 Rebel Heart (CD + DVD Limited Tour Edition) - Cat.Nr. UICS-9152 - Japan (Limited Tour Edition with bonus DVD available only in Japan)
2015 Rebel Heart (Standard edition exclusive Mediamarkt - Saturn Germany) - Cat.Nr. 06025 47236869 - Germany (with parental advisory label)
2015 Rebel Heart (Standard edition)) - Cat.Nr. 6025 4721 6427 - Ukraine (Special Edition For Ukraine border on sleeve)
2015 Rebel Heart Deluxe edition - Cat.Nr. 6025 4725 9554 - France (Rebel Heart Deluxe Edition FNAC Exclusive - Includes Living For Love CD Single in Cardsleeve - 2 tracks)
2015 Rebel Heart Deluxe edition - Cat.Nr. 4725955 - Malaysia (without parental advisory label)
2015 Rebel Heart Deluxe edition - Cat.Nr. 602547259554 - Germany (With Parental Advisory Explicit Content warning)
2015 Rebel Heart Deluxe edition - Cat.Nr. B0022744-02 - USA (With the Parental Advisory label)
2015 Rebel Heart Standard edition - Cat.Nr. 06025 4721 1682 - Germany (with parental advisory label)
2015 Rebel Heart Standard edition - Cat.Nr. 6025 4721 6427 - Turkey (Special Edition For Turkey border on sleeve)
2015 Rebel Heart Standard edition - Cat.Nr. 0602547216427 (70) - Romania (Universal Music Romania Bulgaria border on sleeve)
2015 Rebel Heart Superdeluxe edition (bootleg) - Cat.Nr. 4607147917626 - Russia
2015 Rebel Heart Superdeluxe edition - Cat.Nr. 4724411 - Malaysia (without parental advisory label)
2015 Rebel Heart Superdeluxe edition - Cat.Nr. 602547244116 - Germany (Comes in Stickered DigiPak - With Parental Advisory Explicit Content warning)
2017 RebelHeart Tour 2CD - Cat.Nr. EDGCD671 - Germany (Red sticker on jewel case)
2017 RebelHeart Tour 2CD - Cat.Nr. ER416712 - USA (Red sticker on jewel case)
2019 Madame X  (Standard Edition 1CD) - Cat. Nr. 00602577582714 - Europe
2019 Madame X  (Standard Edition 1CD) - Cat. Nr. B0030044-02 - USA
2019 Madame X (Exclusivo FNAC Standard Edition 1CD) - Cat. Nr. 00602577609886 - Portugal
2019 Madame X  (Limited Edition Deluxe 2CD Hardcover Book) - Cat. Nr. 00602577620416 - Europe
2019 Madame X Deluxe Box Set - Cat. Nr. 00602577619922 - Europe
2022 Finally Enough Love (1CD) - Cat. Nr. R2 695110_603497838820 - Germany
2022 Finally Enough Love (3CD) - Cat. Nr. R2 694981_0603497839773 - Germany
2022 Finally Enough Love (3CD) - Cat. Nr. R2 694981_603497839773 - USA